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systema nervosum centrale ![]() |
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telencephalon ![]() |
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Libelle of note
5971 |
Some new items have been added from ten Donkelaar HJ, Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Mai JK (2018) Toward a common terminology for the gyri and sulci of the human cerebral cortex. Front Neuroanat 12:93.
5972 |
The Pallium has four components of which the Pallium dorsale gives rise to the Isocortex (Neocortex), the Pallium laterale to the Claustro-insular complex, the Pallium mediale to the Formatio hippocampi, and the Pallium ventrale to the Olfactory cortex and the Pallial amygdala (see TE, Section Neuroembryology).
6030 |
See note # 9188
6125 |
The Archicortex includes the Hippocampus (Ammon's horn, Dentate gyrus and Subiculum), Presubiculum, Parasubiculum, Entorhinal cortex, Retrosplenial cortex and a cortical band in the Cingulate gyrus (Stephan 1975; Zilles K, Amunts K 2012 Architecture of the cerebral cortex. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 836-895).
6126 |
The Paleocortex includes the Olfactory bulb, Retrobulbar region ('Anterior olfactory nucleus'), Olfactory tubercle, Septal and Piriform (BA51) regions and a minor part of the Amygdala (Stephan 1975; Zilles and Amunts 2012).
6128 |
The Allocortex includes the Paleocortex and the Archicortex (Filimonoff IN 1947 A rational subdivision of the cerebral cortex. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 58:296-311; Stephan H 1975 Allocortex. In: Bargmann W (ed) Handbuch der mikroskopischen Anatomie des Menschen, Vol 4: Nervensystem, Band 9. Springer).
6129 |
The Mesocortex (Rose M 1927 Der Allocortex bei Tier und Mensch. I. Teil. J Psychol Neurol (Lpz) 34:1-11) comprises the Proisocortex, a transition area between the Isocortex and the Allocortex, and the Periallocortex, the adjoining part of the Allocortex (Filimonoff 1947); also known as Paralimbic cortex (Mesulam 1985). The Periallocortex can further be subdivided into the Peripaleocortex (Claustrum) and the Periarchicortex (Entorhinal, Presubicular and Retrosplenial cortices and part of the Cingulate gyrus; Filimonoff 1947; Zilles and Amunts 2012).
6167 |
Under this Heading the structures presented in TA as Substantia basalis, Substantia innominata and Area septalis are grouped. Reichert's 'Substantia innominata' was for a long time a 'terra incognita' of the Basal forebrain. The extensive studies by Heimer and colleagues (Heimer L, Harlan RE, Alheid GF, et al. 1997 Substantia innominata: A notion which impedes clinico-anatomical correlations in neuropsychiatric disorders. Neuroscience 76:957-1006; Heimer et al. 1999; Sakamoto et al. 1999) make the term SI more or less superfluous.
6168 |
The Nuclei of the Corpus amygdaloideum (Amygdaloid body) are replaced into groups following de Olmos JS (2004 Amygdala. In Paxinos G, Mai JK, eds: The Human Nervous System, 2nd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 739-868) and Mai JK, Paxinos G, Voss T (2008 Atlas of the Human Brain, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam).
6230 |
The Subpallium develops from four Developmental domains (see Puelles L, Harrison M, Paxinos G, Watson C 2013 A developmental ontology for the mammalian brain based on the prosomeric model. Trends Neurosci 36:570-578). Traditionally, the Preoptic area is discussed together with the Hypothalamus. The Amygdala arises from all four Subpallial domains as well as from the Pallium ventrale.
9180 |
The Pallium laterale gives rise to the Claustro-insular complex (see Puelles L 2014 Development and evolution of the claustrum. In: Smythies JR, Edelstein LR, Ramachandran VS, eds: The Claustrum, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp 119-176).
9188 |
The Insula is composed of three Belt regions (see Mesulam M-M and Mufson EJ (1985 The insula of Reil in man and monkey. Architectonics, connectivity and function. In: Peters A, Jones EG, eds, Cerebral Cortex, Vol 4, Plenum Press, New York, pp 179-226): 1) The Cortex insularis agranularis (Agranular insular cortex, where Layers II and IV are lacking) in the Anterior insula is characterized by a Superficial pyramidal layer and an Inner cell layer, continuous with the Pyramidal layer of the Piriform cortex. Here, the recently rediscovered von Economo neurons (VENs) are found (see Allman JM, Tetreault NA, Hakeem AY, et al. 2011 The von Economo neurons in fronto-insular and anterior cingulate cortex. Ann NY Acad Sci 1225:59-71). 2) The Cortex insularis dysgranularis (Dysgranular insular cortex), a Proisocortical region characterized by the presence of an inconspicuous Inner granular layer IV. Layers V and VI are also not as clearly separated from each other as in true isocortex. 3) The Cortex insularis granularis (Granular insular cortex), a posterior granular region with clearly visible Inner (layer IV) and Outer (layer II) granular layers (True isocortex; see also Zilles and Amunts 2012).
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Type of list | P3 |
List Unit Identifier | 5264 |
Sublist 1 | 5972 pallium 14/5 on 31.1.2025 |
Sublist 2 | 5991 lobus frontalis 223/80 on 12.12.2020 |
Sublist 3 | 6004 lobus parietalis 50/21 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 4 | 6013 lobus occipitalis 55/20 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 5 | 6017 lobus temporalis 82/31 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 6 | 6030 insula 44/15 on 27.3.2019 |
Sublist 7 | 6066 lobus limbicus 137/48 on 3.4.2019 |
Sublist 8 | 6077 corpus callosum 4/5 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 9 | 6098 septum pellucidum 4/3 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 10 | 6125 archicortex 121/48 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 11 | 6126 paleocortex 122/41 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 12 | 6129 mesocortex 101/34 on 12.12.2020 |
Sublist 13 | 6130 isocortex 188/63 on 31.1.2025 |
Sublist 14 | 6167 pars basalis telencephal proprius 97/34 on 2.2.2025 |
Invalid signature | 6478 (stored value 228) |
Error in sublist | Found children 90 Found units 33 |
Sublist 15 | 6168 corpus amygdaloideum 75/28 on 1.2.2025 |
Invalid signature | 9554 (stored value 2533) |
Error in sublist | Found children 84 Found units 31 |
Sublist 16 | 6216 nucleus basalis 162/69 on 2.2.2025 |
Sublist 17 | 6230 subpallium 12/5 on 9.3.2019 |
Sublist 18 | 9180 complexus claustroinsularis 29/10 on 19.4.2018 |
Sublist 19 | 9449 substantia alba hemispherii cerebri 117/98 on 2.2.2025 |
Invalid signature | 23580 (stored value 5032) |
Sublist 20 | 12438 gyrus interlobaris 29/10 on 14.3.2020 |
Sublist 21 | 13176 sulcus interlobaris 45/16 on 14.3.2020 |
Subtotals | subchildren 1711 subunits 684 |
Proper children | 63 |
Invalid check | Found children: 1776 |
Proper units | 17 |
Invalid check | Found units: 703 |
Signature | 13166 (validated since 13.12.2020) |
Date: 25.03.2025 |